ZBM participates in Patents Monday 2024

On 30th September ZBM’s Laura Artigas and Bernabé Zea headed to Barcelona Parc Científic to yet again impart their extensive IP knowledge in their specific fields. These seminars are part of the University of Barcelona’s Patent Centre’s ‘Patent Mondays programme’, organised jointly with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. The aim of the workshops is to be of use to those from different backgrounds and levels of patent experience, to update professional knowledge with the aid of expert tutors who have hands-on experience. This day’s session was held in person and attended by over 150 participants.
First up to speak was Laura Artigas who presented her lecture entitled ‘My client has developed software! IP rights suitable for the protection of inventions and creations, including those based on AI’ where she spoke about the protection of software inventions, ranging from patents and trade secrets to copyright and related rights. She further went on to talk about the complex issues of protection for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning and Computer Implemented Inventions (CII), discussing the pros and cons of each option and giving explicit details and examples along the way.
Later in the day Bernabé Zea gave his presentation in which he elaborated on ‘The concept of plausibility in the context of inventive step’, he analysed the G2/21 decision and explained the concept of plausibility in patents, how its application must be balanced between the protection of the rights of applicants and the rights of third parties. To conclude, he offered his own interpretation of the decision; describing its application by the EPO appeal chambers in the most recent cases, his comments focussing on general legal aspects and plausibility as opposed to the technical aspects of the case.
Bernabé is founding partner of ZBM Patents & Trademarks, and CEO of ZBM BConnect, he frequently acts as an expert witness before the courts, particularly in patent litigation in chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, as well as in oppositions and appeals before the EPO. Laura is a new ZBM partner who has a MSC in Telecommunications Engineering and holds a Diploma in Patent litigation in Europe (CEIPI), she is also a Qualified European Patent Attorney with many years of experience in the IP field. Their combined professional experience provided an extensive view into complexities of their respective fields regarding successful strategic IP protection.