
Patent and TM Offices

Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM)
Good information on Spanish, European and PCT patents: regulations, manuals for applicants, official forms and fees, news, access to bibliographic and legal status databases for Spanish cases and to the last issues of the Official Bulletin.

European Patent Office (EPO)
Very broad. Toolbox for applicants with full text of many EPO publications and the decisions of the Boards of Appeal; news, press releases, access to the Official Journal, to bibliographic and legal status databases and to the files of European patents.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Information and resources on all WIPO-administered treaties, amongst others the Paris Convention and the PCT. International patent classification, updated lists of signatory states, intellectual property digital library, newsletters.

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
General information about European Community trademark issues.

European Commission
The Commission’s intellectual property website. Among other topics, news regarding the Community patent.


Patents from all over the world. For each patent there is a summary screen including bibliographic data, a drawing and the English abstract if available, and several links: to the original document in PDF, to the patent family (INPADOC data) and others.

All the patents and utility models with effects in Spain; very useful especially for Spanish patents and utility models and for European patents already validated in Spain. It includes PDF copies of the original documents.

United States Patents
Complete text and drawings of all US patents since 1976, with the possibility of full-text searches; patent images since 1790.

EP Register
Legal status of all European patent applications from their publication date, with all the prosecution details and a link to the documents in the file.

OEPM – Sitadex
Legal status of patents, utility models, trademarks and designs with effects in Spain, from their publication date.

OEPM – Trademarks
Free access for searching denominative or figurative trademarks. You can conduct searches for Spanish, International and Community trademarks.

Other links

EPO Link Collection
Patent links, organized by topic.

OEPM – Trademark Information
Informació general sobre marques incloent la Classificació Internacional de Niça per a productes i serveis.

OEPM – Legislation / Laws
Information about laws or regulations in connection with Industrial Property matters.

OEPM – Official Bulletin
Access to any Official Bulletin.

WIPO – Treaties and Contracting Parties
All treaties administered by WIPO and contracting parties.

WIPO – International Registration of Marks
Information about the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks.

Patent Training in Spain
On this website of the Centre de Patents de la Universitat de Barcelona you can find information about the training available in Spain regarding patent matters.

Unitary Patent guide
Obtaining, maintaining and managing Unitary Patents.

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