
Domain registration, renewal and transfer

Domains are directly related to the trademark or name of the applicant. That is why, in order to enjoy a better protection, it is essential they be taken into consideration. Furthermore, this parallelism with trademark protection makes it advisable that one consider both aspects from a single perspective. We provide advice on domains, and we take care of their registration, renewal and transfer.

Domain recovery

Sometimes, when trying to register a domain, one may find that it has already been registered by a third party, or that the domain is being misused. In these cases, if bad faith of the prior owner can be proved, we can handle the claim for the domain’s ownership.

Watch service

If you are interested in domains that have been registered by a third party, we establish a watch service to check if it ever becomes available for request.

Recent tweets

If you're attending #INTA2023, let's make the most of the last days of this incredible experience! Let's meet, connect, and celebrate together for this wonderful opportunity! @INTA #trademarks

About 2 years ago from ZBM Patents's Twitter via Twitter Web App