Montserrat Jané shares her knowledge in the CEIPI Patent Law Course 2022
The course on Patent Law was organised by the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) and is taught in various modules from February to December 2022. Aimed at engineers, lawyers, scientists or technicians responsible for a patent portfolio or working in the field of industrial property this course provides sessions that are imparted by highly qualified experts who have practical experience through industry agencies, law firms, international bodies (WIPO) and European Office examiners and is for the practice of those working in university or Technology Centres, OTT and OTR.
ZBMs Montserrat Jané’s session, held in person on 31 March, dealt with the specific theme of request for amendments to a European patent application or to a European patent, correction of obvious errors, and limitation procedure at the EPO. The seminar dealt with this subject from a practical point of view, giving many examples to facilitate its comprehension. Being a European patent attorney since 2008 and her expansive experience in European patent prosecution, opposition, and appeal, Montserrat has a wealth of practical advice to offer an insight into the complexities of these issues.
Through this course participants are provided with a systematic and comprehensive training of the legal bases and practices in the field of the European, international PCT and Spanish patent systems. In particular, the course is designed to facilitate the preparation for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) and for the practice of the profession either in a company, in an agency or law firm, in a university or Technology Centre, OTT and OTRI.