On June 13th ZBM’s Bernabé Zea headed to Can Ruti Campus Barcelona to attend the 1st edition of the Innomed Awards, backed by ITEMAS and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), this was an important event to celebrate advances in biomedicine and healthcare. ZBM’s Bernabé was honoured to present the Patentability Study Award to Carmen Aguilar from IrsiCaixa for her project ‘Towards a Highly Immunogenic Vaccine Platform for Pancreatic Cancer’. This prize entitles her to 5,000 euros worth of ZBM’s expert patent services which will boost her innovative project and help develop a strong business model and increase visibility of her work.

Innomed is an exciting initiative that aims to build synergies between public and private sectors in the biomedical and healthcare field, through sharing knowledge and skills among various innovation units and offering expert training. Participating institutions include those associated with the Can Ruti biomedical campus: the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme (CSdM), the Hospital Germans Trias (HUGTiP), the Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC), IrsiCaixa, the Institut Guttmann, and the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute’ (IGTP).

ZBM’s Bernabé is no stranger to the Innomed project, in March he was invited to take part in the kick-off training capsule where he gave a talk entitled “Key Elements of an Innovative Project”. ZBM are delighted to be sponsors of the Innomed Awards, honouring our commitment to fostering innovation and supporting new enterprises through our in-depth knowledge and expertise. We would like to praise all participants that presented their groundbreaking work and especially congratulate the winners of the Innomed 2024!