ZBM listed among Europe’s leading patent law firms 2020 by Financial Times

ZBM Patents and Trademarks has obtained the Financial Times recognition as one of Europe’s Leading patent law firms 2020, particularly in Chemistry & Pharmacy, Electrical Engineering, and IT and Software. Thus, ZBM’s outstanding quality work has once again been recognised both nationally and internationally.
The list of Europe’s leading firms for services of patent prosecution and patent strategy consultation is based on recommendations made by clients and peers. The sample is collected via research conducted by FT’s research partner Statista on relevant company websites, in publications, and from the EPI (the Institute of Professional Representatives Before the European Patent Office), the professional body representing European patent attorneys.
This and other recognitions are the result of the trust placed in us by our clients and collaborators, which makes us proud and motivates us to continue improving to maintain our level of excellence.
More information can be found here.