IP training for Sant Pau researchers

ZBM Patents and Trademarks participated in the second training initiative by the Transfer and Innovation Unit in collaboration with Sant Pau institute of Biomedical Investigation Centre Barcelona. Our experts gave talks on the importance of protecting your invention, types and strategies for industrial protection, patentability requirements, and so on.
These talks were held online in 4 separate sessions between 25th May until 15th June. All sessions involved a case study to clearly illustrate possible strategies of protection.
Session 1 / A Brief introduction to the patent system – outlining types of protection of the technology, patentability requirements and what makes a strong patent, freedom to operate studies, and ownership and inventorship by Bernabe Zea
Session 2 / Diagnostic methods. Biomarkers – the challenge of obtaining broad and effective protection for biomarker-based inventions and protection of diagnostic methods in the USA and possible protection strategies, by Carlos Maillo
Session 3 / Animal and cellular models. Antibodies and Hybridomas, Stem Cells- patent protection of animal and cellular models, patenting vs. keeping know-how, and protection strategies of natural products, by Carlos Maillo
Session 4 / Medical devices. Software and algorithms – Aspects to take into account when choosing a type of protection for software and algorithms, patentability of software and artificial intelligence, and protection of medical devices, by Josep Comes
Sant Pau researchers were encouraged to register for the sessions in order explore the world of IP to better understand the importance of protecting your invention well and how it can give you a more privileged position in the marketplace.