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Carlos Maíllo

PhD Biomedicine | MSc Biochemistry | European Patent Attorney | European Patent Litigator at the UPC

About Me

Before joining ZBM, Carlos worked as a researcher in molecular biology and biomedicine at the IRB Barcelona, CSIC, IBFG and University of Iceland. He specialized in the areas of genetics, metabolism and oncology. Part of his work has been published in the prestigious journals Nature Cell Biology and Gastroenterology.

After a brief experience in another IP firm, Carlos joined ZBM in 2017 where he is involved in drafting patent applications and preparing infringement and patentability opinions.

He passed the European Qualifying examination (EQE) in 2021.

In 2022, he obtained the European Patent Litigation Certificate which will give him the right to represent clients before the Unified Patent Court.

He became a partner in 2024.

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If you're attending #INTA2023, let's make the most of the last days of this incredible experience! Let's meet, connect, and celebrate together for this wonderful opportunity! @INTA #trademarks

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