Partners · Trademarks · Administration
Yahel Contreras
Lawyer, Master IP & IT ESADE
Spanish Patent & Trademark Attorney | Authorised Representative before EUIPO
About Me
Yahel has a degree in law from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Caracas (Venezuela) and a homologation of a Law degree from the Universidad de Alicante (Spain). She is a member of the Barcelona Bar. She has postgraduate and specialization training in intellectual property both in Venezuela and in Spain. In Spain she has received a postgraduate degree from the Instituto de Derecho Industrial of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (IDIUS-USC), and a Master degree on Intellectual Property and the Information Society from ESADE.
Since 2011, Yahel is also a Spanish Patent & Trademark Attorney duly certified by the Spanish Patents and Trademarks Office. She worked as a lawyer and consultant for clients in IP matters for several years in law firms both in Venezuela and Barcelona prior to joining ZBM in 2005. Yahel is responsible for both the International Department and the Legal Department, coordinating IP filings and prosecution worldwide, as well as assignments, changes of name, transfers of rights and providing legal advice in-house and to clients including drafting and analysis of IP contracts.
She became a partner in 2015.
Yahel is also a legal counsel at ZBM Business Connect, a spin-off from ZBM Patents & Trademarks assisting private companies and public research institutions in optimising their technology transfer activities.