Jose Ignacio Bonilla lectures on EOI-CEIPI Patent Law Course 2022

On 16th December José Ignacio Bonilla held an online lecture on the course of European Patent Law, which was organised by the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) and the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) in Madrid. This course offers theoretical and practical training in all relevant aspects of the Spanish, European, PCT and related international patent systems and is aimed at engineers, lawyers, scientists or technicians working in the field of industrial property. It in particular helps participants prepare for the specific training to pass the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) which allows you to register as a European Patent Attorney, as well as for the examination of Industrial Property Agents in Spain.
José Ignacio has worked as a European Patent Attorney since passing his EQE exams in 2013 and has in-depth knowledge in practicing in EP law. The topic of his lecture were the priority rights. Through his extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and chemistry industry he began his session speaking of the Paris Convention, through formal, procedural and substantive requirements, leading through to multiple priorities and partial priority, all were illustrated with many practical examples and exercises.