Oscar Rubio, accredited advisor in ACCIÓ Programs

The Generalitat de Catalunya offers subsidies to SMEs with an operational establishment in Catalonia in contracting innovation services and implementation of technologies that include aspects such as technology, the innovation model, sustainability, ownership of knowledge, the taxation of innovation, and the transformation of the business model.
The services that can be subsidized through this grant program include advisory services aimed at identifying an appropriate industrial property strategy, as well as the drafting and filing of a patent or utility model.
Óscar Rubio, engineer and European patent attorney at ZBM Patents & Trademarks, is also an accredited advisor to ACCIÓ until 2030, both in the area of intellectual and industrial property strategy and in the area of intellectual and industrial property registrations. The accredited advisor seal is the seal that the Generalitat grants through ACCIÓ to identify the most suitable professionals to offer personalized and expert support to companies in the implementation of ACCIÓ programs.
With this accreditation we hope to be able to meet the needs of all those clients who request it.
For more information on grants and subsidies: www.accio.gencat.cat