ZBM at Science for Industry (S4i) in Madrid

ZBM were honoured to be invited to participate in the S4i (Science for Industry) Summit and Expo, which took place in Madrid on 18 and 19 January. The event was organised by The Autonomous University of Madrid and BeAble Capital and is considered to be ‘the largest international meeting point for Deep Science’, attracting visitors from international Institutions, investment sectors as well as start-ups. Our ZBM team were there to impart their in-depth knowledge and guide attendees through aspects of IP in science and innovation and disruptive technologies in industries such as chemical, aerospace, telecom, food, construction, energy and more.
As well as being on hand in our booth both days, ZBM’s Bernabe Zea and Eduardo Salas (Head of Technology Transfer & Business Development at Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia) headed a roundtable discussion entitled “Protection and Negotiation Strategy for Successful Technology Transfer” which outlined basic strategies of how to create successful projects which will attract investment to allow your business to thrive and grow with the understanding and harnessing of IP protections and transference of technologies.
The ZBM team present at the S4I forum were:
Bernabé Zea – founding partner at ZBM Patents & Trademarks and CEO of ZBM Business Connect, his practice focuses on organic chemistry and pharmacy, but also includes biotechnology and biochemistry and he is a specialist in technology transfer.
Laura Artigas – European patent attorney and European patent litigator, her area is telecommunications engineering.
Carolina Janer – European Patent Attorney and European patent litigator, her field is Chemical Sciences/Biotechnology.
Marina García – Doctor in Biomedicine and a specialist in Agricultural Engineering.
It was a pleasure to meet new friends and colleagues and to be a part of this dynamic platform, forging alliances among the industrial sector, research centres, universities, and science equity funds.