Startup Capital grants from ACCIÓ increase their funding

The Secretary of Business and Competitiveness of the Department of Business and Labor, Albert Castellanos i Maduell, announced in a working meeting with startups that Startup Capital would increase their funding to €100,000 per company, 33% more than in previous calls.
Startup Capital grants, aimed at deep tech startups with less than 18 months of life, help to ensure the survival of projects in their early stages and to validate startup’s technology.
The 2022 call opens this May and has a total budget of two million euros, increasing the funding from 75,000 to 100,000 per project.
The grant consists of 99,000 euros to be spent on staff costs, patent filing and maintenance, material, equipment or contracting services, among others; as well as 1,000 euros for obtaining advice from a mentor accredited by ACCIÓ.
ZBM’s Óscar Rubio, partner, engineer, and European patent attorney, is one of the accredited advisors to ACCIÓ. As accredited advisor Oscar is able to offer personalized and expert support to companies in the implementation of ACCIÓ programs such as Startup Capital.
All the details of the new call can be found here.