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Daniel Segura

MSc Telecommunications Engineering

About Me

Daniel obtained a degree in Telecommunications Engineering in the Ramon Llull University, and joined ZBM Patents as a trainee while he was still completing his studies, at the beginning of 2005. After 6 years at ZBM, during which he specialized in searches and patent drafting, particularly in the field of computer-implemented inventions, his professional interests made a sharp turn as he set off to pursue a career in show business.

He returned to ZBM in 2019, picking up his patent practice where he had left it. He now continues his training and works mainly in the fields of electronics, IT and computer-implemented inventions.

Recent tweets

If you're attending #INTA2023, let's make the most of the last days of this incredible experience! Let's meet, connect, and celebrate together for this wonderful opportunity! @INTA #trademarks

About a year ago from ZBM Patents's Twitter via Twitter Web App